King Brand Show Cattle Feeds provide balanced nutrition and beneficial nutraceuticals to promote healthy growth and development.
The King Beef Show Feed program utilizes different feeds at each stage of development to optimize growth and performance for both steers and heifers.
Designed to have a gradual release of energy and other nutrients, King Beef Show feeds assure a safer, more efficient system of nutrient absorption.
16% Protein. NLT 71%TDN.
Calf Start & Grow is formulated to be fed 1:1 with good quality alfalfa hay. It is comprised of fortified pellets and steam rolled grains for optimum nutrient utilization and flavored with a molasses/vegetable oil blend for high palatability.
Calf Start & Grow is enhanced with:
• pre and probiotics to support digestive and immune health,
• vitamins to support feed metabolism and utilization,
• trace minerals to support proper skeletal development,
strong hooves, hair coat quality and overall health.
14% protein. NLT 64% TDN.
Beef Grow & Show is flavored with molasses for palatability and contains steam rolled grains promote optimum energy. Fast & slow release protein sources promote maximum muscle development and expression.
• Cotton Seed Hulls and Beet Pulp provide digestible fiber that adds bloom and fill.
• Yeast Culture provides a natural nutritional advantage promoting a healthy rumen and improving feed consumption.
• Fortified with vitamins and minerals to support metabolism, feed utilization and overall health.
13% protein. NLT 72% TDN.
Formulated with multiple protein and carbohydrate sources that act like “time-release” nutrients results in a more efficient rate of digestibility and maximum muscle expression. T&S Steer contains higher concentrations of steam rolled grains, cracked corn and flavored vegetable oil for optimum weight gain.
• Multiple fiber sources provide highly digestible energy and add bloom and fill.
• Yeast culture naturally promotes stable rumen fermentation for increased weight gain and feed efficiency.
• Complexed trace minerals increase bioavailability, absorption and nutrient utilization.
• Guaranteed vitamin levels improve metabolism and feed utilization.