CarboRaider Horse Feeds were the industry’s first low sugar/starch feeds and have been keeping adult horses happy and healthy for more than 10 years. With industry leading low levels of sugar and starch, CarboRaider has been helping horse owners to prevent and manage metabolic disorders such as Cushings and IR and lameness associated with laminitis.
Recent studies suggest that feeding low sugar/starch diets to pregnant mares and foals may minimize episodes of very rapid growth that are thought to contribute to abnormal bone development. Other research predicts that maintaining foals on high sugar/starch diets contributes to the development of insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome later in life.
NEW CarboRaider Mare and Foal
The need for a low sugar/starch Mare & Foal Feed is supported by research showing maternal diets high in sugar and starch may lead to a propensity for horses to develop metabolic disease and an increased risk of developing orthopedic disease.
CarboRaider Mare and Foal provides a low sugar/starch balanced supplement for late gestation/lactation to aid in proper fetal and foal development. It also makes an ideal creep feed until the foal is weaned.
NEW CarboRaider Junior
The transition to a growth feed for weanlings and yearlings is easy as CarboRaider Junior features a similar low sugar/starch formulation to CarboRaider Mare and Foal.
To minimize dietary effects on bone development ; it is recommended that growing foals be fed a balanced ration that neither exceeds nor fails to meet the NRC’s energy, protein and mineral needs.
As a complete feed, CarboRaider Junior takes the guess work out of the equation. You can be confident of feeding a balanced ration of energy, protein, vitamins and minerals to ensure a healthy, smooth growth curve.
CarboRaider Horse feeds offers the industry’s first low sugar starch feed line for horses from development to old age.